Some useful Javascripts
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
  function getLogin() {
    var login=""
    while(login=="") {
      login = prompt("Enter your name","")
      if (login==null) {
        if (confirm("Shy ?")) { alert("Anyway !"); this.close(); return }
    document.write("Hello "+login+" !")
Test this script

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
  function centerPop(url,width,height) { // center PopUp on the screen
    var left = (screen.width - width)/2
    var up = (screen.height - height)/2
  function infos() {
    var adr = centerPop("",350,230)
    adr.document.write("<title>Infos</title><center><b>Your parameters by JavaScript</b></center><br>")
    adr.document.write("Resolution : "+screen.width+"x"+screen.height+"<br>")
    adr.document.write("Colors : "+screen.colorDepth+" bits<br>")
    adr.document.write("Explorer : "+navigator.appName+"<br>")
    adr.document.write("Version : "+navigator.appVersion+"<br>")
    adr.document.write("Referent : "+document.referrer+"<br>")
    adr.document.write("<center><br><A href='javascript:window.close()'>Close this PopUp</A>")
Test this script

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
  function verif(email) {
    var arobase = email.indexOf("@"); var point = email.lastIndexOf(".")
    if ((arobase < 3)||(point + 2 > email.length)||(point < arobase+3)) return false
    return true // if at least 3 letters for the name, 1 letter for the domain and 1 letter for the extension
  function test(name,mail) {
    if (name.value=="") {
      alert("Name requested !"); name.focus(); return false
    if (!verif(mail.value)) {
      alert("Invalid email !"); mail.value=""; mail.focus(); return false
    return true // the formulary can be sent

<FORM method="POST" action="my_page.ext" onSubmit="return test(this.thename,this.themail)">
    <TD>Name</TD><TD><input name="thename"></TD>
    <TD>Email</TD><TD><input name="themail"></TD>
    <TD><input type="Submit" value="Send"></TD>
Test this script :      Name      Email

<SCRIPT language="VBScript">
  sub deroule(zone)
    dim Bpt
    set Bpt = zone.createTextRange()
    Bpt.movestart "textedit",1
  end sub
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
  function doclick(box) {
    var d = new Date(), temp=""
    with(document.democlick) { // to avoid retyping it...
      if (!box.checked) temp="un"
      listclick.value += "\n"+temp+"checked at "+d.getHours()+":"+d.getMinutes()+":"+d.getSeconds()

<FORM name="democlick">
  <input type="checkbox" onclick=doclick(this)>Check me !</input>
  <textarea name="listclick" rows=2 cols=30></textarea>
Check me !     

<FORM name="chrono"><input name="timer0" size=40></FORM>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
  chro0 = new Date()
  function chro() {
    var chro1= new Date(); var t = Math.floor((chro1.getTime()-chro0.getTime())/1000)
    document.chrono.timer0.value="Page open for "+t+" seconds"
    setTimeout("chro()", 1000);

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
  svbg="" // to save clicked cell
  function chng(obj,i) {
    if (i==0) // we pass over
      obj.setAttribute("BGCOLOR", "red", false) // red
    if (i==1) // we pass out
      if (obj==svbg) obj.setAttribute("BGCOLOR", "lime", false) // clicked thus green
      else obj.setAttribute("BGCOLOR", "white", false) // otherwise white
    if (i==2) { // on clique
      if (svbg!="") // a cell has already been clicked ?
        svbg.setAttribute("BGCOLOR", "white", false) // thus we set it white
      svbg=obj // save the new clicked cell
      obj.setAttribute("BGCOLOR", "lime", false) // and set it green

<TABLE bgcolor=white border cellspacing=0 width=170 height=30><TR>
  <TH onmouseover=chng(this,0) onmouseout=chng(this,1) onclick=chng(this,2)> </TH>
  <TH onmouseover=chng(this,0) onmouseout=chng(this,1) onclick=chng(this,2)> </TH>
  <TH onmouseover=chng(this,0) onmouseout=chng(this,1) onclick=chng(this,2)> </TH>
  <TH onmouseover=chng(this,0) onmouseout=chng(this,1) onclick=chng(this,2)> </TH>
  <TH onmouseover=chng(this,0) onmouseout=chng(this,1) onclick=chng(this,2)> </TH>

Click on some cells :

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